【人才管理】疫情未完全受控 WFH外HR的4項準備工作

【人才管理】疫情未完全受控 WFH外HR的4項準備工作

Polly Yip 葉麗貞

Master Ascent Limited.創辦人及董事長,擁有20多年人力資源管理及管理諮詢豐富經驗,現為香港人力資源管理學會專業會員,曾在國際性企業任職高管 - 滙豐銀行、渣打銀行(渤海銀行籌建)、德勤、畢馬威和先鋒工作。

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香港在多日「零本地感染」後,又出現零星新冠肺炎確診個案,意味著疫情很大機會將繼續存在一段時間。Master Ascent Ltd. 創辦人及董事長葉麗貞(Polly)認為,為了企業業務持續發展,HR可做好4項準備工作︰

  1. 改變領導和工作風格
  2. 工作紀律︰根據最新的公共衛生指引繼續進行社交疏導,開始對辦公室進行翻新,
  3. 更新辦公室的衛生指引︰查看當地的職業健康與安全指引,人力資源部門可以在其中創建你的重要勞動人員清單
  4. 更新企業的Business Continuity Planning,包括客戶數據隱私管理和合規性相關文檔的重要作業指引



Activity-based costing(簡稱ABC),即ABC是一種成本計算方法,可以識別企業中的活動,並根據每種產品和服務的實際消耗,為每種產品和服務進行分配成本。與傳統成本法相比,該計算模型將更多間接成本分配給直接成本。

此外,若果這計算模型適用於企業的話,管理層亦可以在工作中應用「Results Only Work Environment」(簡稱ROWE)。利用ROWE的概念是矽穀新興企業和技術公司的流行模式。管理層已將工作流程分折為不同的板塊,要求團隊成員在既定的時間表上完成一組板塊,並將根據設定的KPI對他們進行評估,獎勵工作按完成的成果而定。這就是管理人員如何管理選擇在家工作的個人的模式,而公司卻沒有為此付出不必的代價。對於新的管理概念而言, 這項靈活性可能是一個很好的安排。

Managing the Virtual Team & Remote Working – Fact of life to live and breathe with COVID-19

Convid19 will continue to exist for a period of time and this is a fact that we now know better and more. Let’s get prepare for its resurgence and what should we get ready for?

1.Change of leadership and working style

2.Discipline at work – continue to practice social distancing, start to renovate the office and update new office guidelines in accordance with the latest public health guide.

3.Review local occupational health & safety guide where HR Department could create your critical workforce list

4.Update your BCP plan to include home working guide covering customer data privacy management and to compliance related documents

We have a good experience of our first 100 days of working from home as a result of Covid19. Employees should be quite familiar with working from home which is an option where we can continue to practice social distancing and deliver business-required results. We feel more engaged having autonomy to work according to our own schedule and the way we like to work which is free of micromanagement. Some management staff may fear that it is difficult to assess the performance & productivity of employees; and for HR function the fear is whether employees are working in a safe environment and confidential information has been kept in strict confidence at all times.

A Better Plan – 100% autonomy and 100% accountability
Establishing a culture of ownership and accountability for managing remote teams is a possible solution but discipline in practice is critical. Finance may also help to create innovative way to measure ABC costing, i.e. Activity-based costing (ABC) is a costing method that identifies activities in an organization and assigns the cost of each activity to all products and services according to the actual consumption by each. This model assigns more indirect costs (overhead) into direct costs compared to conventional costing.

In addition, management could apply ROWE (result-oriented work environment) at work if it works for your organization. The concept of utilizing ROWE is a popular model for Start-Ups and technology companies in Silicon Valley. Management has dissected the work process into modules, team members are asked to complete a set of modules on a given timeline and they will be evaluated for what have been achieved against the set KPI. Compensation and reward work in accordance with achievements completed. This is how some management would help to manage individuals who choose to work at home, and companies are not paying for slackness. This type of flexibility may be a good arrangement for the next Generation.


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