

Polly Yip 葉麗貞

Master Ascent Limited.創辦人及董事長,擁有20多年人力資源管理及管理諮詢豐富經驗,現為香港人力資源管理學會專業會員,曾在國際性企業任職高管 - 滙豐銀行、渣打銀行(渤海銀行籌建)、德勤、畢馬威和先鋒工作。

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人力資源數碼化轉型是市場的大勢所趨,人力資源的職能與內容也隨著需要更新而轉變。Master Ascent Ltd. 創辦人及董事長葉麗貞(Polly)指,數碼化發展下數據引致人力資源的所有工作範圍,包括薪酬、福利、績效管理、培訓、獎勵及招聘等。可以說從昨天開始,需要完全自動化的HR功能了!人力資源職能的工作規範需要隨著數碼化技術的發展而同步發展,以涵接該職能的自動化部分,將有利於人力資源從業員有更多時間專注於其他較複雜的工作,你需要向員工及業務展現同理心和多些關懷。

例如,聊天機械人可以輔助回答一些簡單常規的問題,從而使HR Business Partner有時間專注處理更複雜的心理方面等問題。對於大多數規模較大的機構而言,應已完成招聘重組工作,這些技術可運用以協助招聘人員篩選求職者的簡歷。未來,人力資源從業者將擁有更多的技術工具,為他們提升更高的工作效率。他們應該精通新建技術,並在可能的情況下具有積極及主導性思維。



Is HR part of Digital Transformation ?

HR digital transformation is the transformation of HR functions, using data to guide all areas of HR: payroll, benefits, performance management, learning and development, rewards and recognition, and hiring. Full automation of HR function is needed since yesterday! The job specification of HR function would need to evolve with an increase of technology to take over the automation parts of the function so the rest of HR can focus more on human tasks where you need to show your empathy and understanding of your employees and line of businesses.

Chatbots for example can help answer simple routine questions, leaving HRBP time to focus on more complex and psychological questions. Recruitment re-engineering should have been completed for most sizeable organizations where technology can help recruiters screen-in and out resumes for the roles on offer. Moving forward, HR practitioners have more technology and tech tools available to make their jobs more efficient and effective. They should all be tech-savvy with a positive mindset for automation whenever possible.

While most of the global workforce is still working from home and it is important for corporation to keep remote teams motivated and engaged. Hence more effort to communicate through corporate social media channels, mobile communication platforms or even call tress to keep everyone on top of the critical decisions, news and facts which is required to ensure individuals feeling remotely connected and is not being left out.

Adopt different tech-enabled means of communication to formulate your internal communications strategy, allowing corporation to offer latest company updates and to solicit real time employee feedback as well.


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