【自我增值】在CEO VS HR眼中 人力資源如何定位?

【自我增值】在CEO VS HR眼中 人力資源如何定位?

Polly Yip 葉麗貞

Master Ascent Limited.創辦人及董事長,擁有20多年人力資源管理及管理諮詢豐富經驗,現為香港人力資源管理學會專業會員,曾在國際性企業任職高管 - 滙豐銀行、渣打銀行(渤海銀行籌建)、德勤、畢馬威和先鋒工作。

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一些人力資源部門意識到人力資源自動化(HR Automation),以及有關技術較為落後在市場上帶來的負面影響。如果我們單單將HR自動化視為人與機器合併的IT工作, CIO可能會接管HR的職能。因此,HR需要靈敏面對急速轉變的市場情況,準備好迎接新經濟中的機遇和挑戰。

How HR should be positioned ? Views from CEO vs Views from HR

HR is a cost centre as it is still seen as “staff functions”- more administrative than strategic, more operational to serve the business than to drive people agenda.

HR could consider moving from cost-centre to profit-centre approach whenever appropriate and be position as an internal consultant and adviser to the business. A quality conversation could be established between HR Leaders and CEOs within the organization.

One of the bold and brave discussions that HR leaders could have with their business leaders is to make sure the impact of human capital return on investment can be seen and measured. For example, the value of a new employee induction program can be measured in terms of an ROI by assessing the costs saved by correlated reductions in turnover. HR team could have been continuously to develop HR tools/programs for business and to set up profit-centre for charging services provided internally where relevant.

Besides, as mentioned there should be an opportunity for HR automation in different areas including but not limited to resourcing/recruitment, operations and employee relations to save time cost for each HR professional spent on time with employees and also to review HR risk and compliance issue in particular if we are managing licenced businesses.

Some HR operations are aware of the impact of HR automation where HR was not leading on anything with respect to automation and the workforce. The proposition of the CIO may take over the HR function, as we saw the integration of humans and machines in the workplace as the job of IT.

My recommendation for HR professional is to step up quickly to face the reality. Get prepared and ready to embrace change and challenges in the new economy.


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