

Polly Yip 葉麗貞

Master Ascent Limited.創辦人及董事長,擁有20多年人力資源管理及管理諮詢豐富經驗,現為香港人力資源管理學會專業會員,曾在國際性企業任職高管 - 滙豐銀行、渣打銀行(渤海銀行籌建)、德勤、畢馬威和先鋒工作。

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有研究指出,由於投資者看到人才具可持續發展的重要性,將有利於企業財務的管理,因此,投資者更加關注於人力資本、人才培養和企業文化的投資。早在多年前,這是HR負責人向首席運營官(COO)或首席財務官(CFO)報告的慣例,但現在他們直接向CEO或董事長報告,甚至擔任CEO的重要人事顧問,並經常向董事會作出報告或提供具價值的建議。當公司尋找新首席人力資源官(Chief Human Resources Officer,簡稱 CHRO 時, 許多公司現在已將重點投放於表現出色、具有強大的領導才能、具諮詢敏銳度、高情商與耐性、分析決策能力, 還擁有遠見及解難技巧的優秀人士。=

HR的角色愈來愈重要, 他們已經從支援或提供服務模式, 轉變為改變遊戲規則和實現業務戰略的重要職能。正如前文所提及 CHRO 的職能和責任愈來愈重, 他們不僅具備商業頭腦 , 更要精通科技和社交媒體 , 進行從成本中心轉向利潤導向的管理。 他們不斷評估和管理人才經濟學 , 並在企業內外建立信任。他們有能力了解全球經濟, 多元化的員工政策和企業文化發展。HR將是未來理想人才的類型, 可以在企業接班企劃人中擔任 CEO 的角色。

在零工經濟(Gig Economy)中, 將會有更多公司擁有精簡的企業架構, 讓 CEO 管理一個由人工智能(AI)推動、完善的數碼系統, 藉此增強人類的分析能力。



Can HR become CEO of a company?

Studies showed that investors have intensified their focus on human capital, talent development, and corporate culture as they see the importance of people issues to the financial success and sustainability of the company. Years ago, it is a common practice for HR chiefs reported to the COO or the CFO, but they now report directly to the CEO or the Chairman, serve as the Chairman/CEO’s key people adviser, and make frequent presentations to the board. And when companies search for new CHROs, many now focus on higher-powered individual who demonstrated strong leadership skills, consulting agility, high EQ and be resilient, analytical decision-making skills, visionary minded with problem solving skills.

This role is gaining importance and has moved away from a support or service delivery mode to become much more of a game changer and the critical point of contact which enables the business strategy. As previously mentioned that CHROs are having an increasing responsibilities and they are not only business savvy but also tech and social media savvy, moving from cost-centre to profit-centre management as a function. They keep measuring and managing talent economics, and building trust within and outside the organization. They are capable to understand the global economy, a diverse workforce policy and corporate culture development. They would be the type of future talent who could take on the role of CEO in the succession plan. In the gig economy, more and more company may have a lean organizational structure for the CEO to manage an AI-fueled organization with well set up digital systems work to augment human analytical competencies.

Reference: studies shared by Gallup for reference – https://www.gallup.com/workplace/265886/why-leaders-become-ceo.aspx


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