【自我增值】5個因素 決定自己或對方是否專業HR

【自我增值】5個因素 決定自己或對方是否專業HR

Polly Yip 葉麗貞

Master Ascent Limited.創辦人及董事長,擁有20多年人力資源管理及管理諮詢豐富經驗,現為香港人力資源管理學會專業會員,曾在國際性企業任職高管 - 滙豐銀行、渣打銀行(渤海銀行籌建)、德勤、畢馬威和先鋒工作。

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每個行業都有其專業範疇,HR也不例外。Master Ascent Limited.創辦人及董事長葉麗貞(Polly)提到,專業精神(Professionalism)包含5個關鍵︰

– 專業知識:具相關知識作為基礎,並掌握市場上最新資訊,以便可以繼續提供最佳的工作效率及質素。

– 能力:為客戶提供強大的分析和解決問題的能力,並實行結果主導方針。

– 誠信:重視承諾,是可靠的和可被信任的人;做正確的事,並對自己的言論和行為負責。

– 紀律:在壓力下能保持專業態度、保持冷靜及商業觸覺,並盡一切可能讓事情行回正軌。此外,無論他們的角色或處境如何,都保持謙虛,並對周圍的人表示尊重,並通過考慮他人的情緒和需求,顯示其高情商。

– 專業形象:根據情況打扮、交談並舉止得體,以自信而尊重的態度說話,向客戶展示自己。


What does professional means to HR and CEO ?

Professionalism encompasses a number of key attributes which define a professional.

Specialized Knowledge They have the relevant qualifications that serve as the foundation of this knowledge. They keep this knowledge up-to-date, so that they can continue to deliver the best work possible.

Competency : Strong analytical and problem solving for your clients and results-oriented.

Integrity : They promise and they deliver, and they can be trusted and reliable. Do the right thing at all times and be accountable for what you say and act.

Discipline They also stay professional under pressure by maintaining a calm, business-like demeanor, and by doing everything that they can to make the situation right. Besides, they are humble and show respect for the people around them, no matter what their role or situation. They share a high degree of emotional intelligence (EI) by considering the emotions and needs of others.

Professional Image They dress, talk and behave appropriately for the situation. Speak with an air of confidence, and respect the way they present themselves to their customers.

In order to elevate the professionalism of human resources practitioners, it is recommended that HR practitioners would be engaged in continuous professional training and qualification program to obtain annual affirmation of a professional review committee through the “HR Professional Assessment Certification“ to become a member of the HR community. The qualification could be categorized into 3-4 levels. This would be the bright future for those interested in developing themselves in this field.


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