【人才管理】HR進行Performance Management如何做好公正、客觀?

【人才管理】HR進行Performance Management如何做好公正、客觀?

Polly Yip 葉麗貞

Master Ascent Limited.創辦人及董事長,擁有20多年人力資源管理及管理諮詢豐富經驗,現為香港人力資源管理學會專業會員,曾在國際性企業任職高管 - 滙豐銀行、渣打銀行(渤海銀行籌建)、德勤、畢馬威和先鋒工作。

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「人才盤點」是戰略人才管理中的一項重要工作,準確掌握企業內部目前的人才狀況 – 從人才的定義、衡量、使用和發展等方面展開基礎工作,將人才盤點以九宮格區分未來的領導接班人。九宮格是最常用於衡量公司當前人才並確定潛在領導者和評核人才的領導力表現(垂直軸)和潛力(水準軸)後,將其繪製在圖表上,右上的綠框人才是為接班的高潛質候選人,而左下的紅框人才則是可能需要重新分配或調整。高潛力員工是企業未來的領導者,對你的組織產生的價值是其他員工的2倍或以上,這樣的員工才可以算是高潛質員工。

利用九宮格區分出來的各類人才如何使用、培養、激勵和挽留? 並把非常優秀的人才培養成為企業未來的領導者? 比如右圖上,綠框A1的人才應準備在6個月至一年內擔任高級領導職務; A2、B1或B2人才可根據公司及個人發展時間表作跳升,如他們不懈努力奮鬥,最終可轉移至A1。為了促進人才輩出,直屬經理理應與員工進行每週一對一的會談,從多方面瞭解員工個人發展階段及目標。因此,常溝通非常關鍵,在溝通地過程中,我們建議經理應專注以下談論的內容:


進行評估績效 HR須確保決策公正、客觀


根據證據做出決定 合理範圍內,盡可能利用各種管道收集有關員工績效的實例。可能的情況下,數據/數字大分有效,但統計數據無法告訴您員工如何實現價值觀。根據來自不同人意見,HR通常會給出更平衡的看法。
全面瞭解 找出員工在過去6個月所進行的工作。在講述員工的好壞間要取得合理平衡,不要只關注最近發生的事件。
價值多元化 員工所做的事可能與HR或管理層不同。這沒有問題,他們不需要像管理層一樣才會成功。他們只需要成為一個有效的貢獻者,就可以同時實現公司價值觀和目標。
每個評估分別進行 每個評估都是一個單獨的決定。人們可以:達成目標但不喜歡價值觀,或者實踐出價值觀但未達成目標。


Performance & Potential of your Talent Pool
The 9-box grid is most commonly used in succession planning as a method of evaluating an organization’s current talent and identifying potential leaders. When leadership performance (verticle axis) and potential (horizontal axis) are assessed and plotted on the graph, individuals in the upper right quadrant (green boxes) are identified as high-potential candidates for succession, while those in the lower left quadrant (red boxes) may need to be reassigned or removed from the organization.

The boxes on the grid indicate where investment needs to be made to develop future leaders. Those people in the green box A1 should be ready for top leadership within 6 months to a year; those in boxes A2, B1, or B2 have a longer timeline but can be groomed for eventual movement to box 1. Often times, line managers would have one on one catch up meeting with their staff, hence, we would suggest managers should focus on the followings in your career conversations with successors.

For each team member, you will award an interim performance rating. This will cover

Delivery of objective on a 1-5 scale;

How they are living the values as well

These assessments need to be as fair and objective as possible. They need to take into account the entire six months of the year, using all the data and inputs you have gathered and the employee’s self assessment.

This checklist outlines some of the ways you can help to ensure that the decisions you take on performance are fair and objective.

Base your decisions on evidence Within reason, gather as many facts as you can about the employee’s performance. Draw on varied sources:

Where possible, data/numbers are useful – but statistics don’t tell you how an employee lives the values.

Inputs from different people will often give a more balanced view.

Take a rounded view Reflect on everything the employee has done over the full six months. Strike a fair balance between positive and negative aspects, and don’t focus only on recent events.
Value diversity The employee may do things differently from you. This is OK. They do not need to be like you in order to succeed. They simply need to be an effective contributor, who delivers agreed objectives while living the company’s values.
Make each assessment separately Each assessment is a separate decision. People can: Deliver objectives but fail to love the values /Live the values but fail to deliver their objectives


•Be candid in awarding the ratings that the employee’s performance merits.
•Remember that an objectives rating of 3 indicates a good performance from someone who has met expectations. If a person has not delivered key aspects of their objectives, their rating should be lowered.
•In the long run, it is fairest to the individual to be completely honest and then give them the support they need to succeed.
•Make differentiation, avoid rating 3 unless its truly reflecting the employee’s performance


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