【心理健康】一個簡單練習有助應對挑戰  3個解決難題的方案

【心理健康】一個簡單練習有助應對挑戰  3個解決難題的方案

Polly Yip 葉麗貞

Master Ascent Limited.創辦人及董事長,擁有20多年人力資源管理及管理諮詢豐富經驗,現為香港人力資源管理學會專業會員,曾在國際性企業任職高管 - 滙豐銀行、渣打銀行(渤海銀行籌建)、德勤、畢馬威和先鋒工作。

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「變幻是永恆的」,我們與新冠肺炎對抗過的過程中,疫情讓我們警勝健康的重要, 以堅強的意志管理複雜的事情。為了幫助大家準備變革心態,Master Ascent Ltd. 創辦人及董事長葉麗貞(Polly)分享,我們可以做一個簡單的練習,預備紙筆,用10個單詞或更少的文字寫你的變革挑戰,寫下實現這一變革的3大障礙,並提供應對挑戰的解決方案。你可以與家人,同事和朋友分享這個練習。

當企業、國家或地區遇到變化或存在不確定性的時刻,工作受市場變化帶來的影響,為在職者帶來不可言喻的壓力。但是,我們可透過認知來作出修訂, 減輕壓力,因為扭曲的思維可能會誇大我們所認知的缺點。因此,我們必須幫助自己保持積極的態度,並接受改變,期望變得更好!

人類是非凡的之靈, 擁有毅力、創造力和勇氣,我們可以將不可能變為可能。只要人連在一起,我們可以改善生活,並可掌一切。「人類是非凡」意味著我們要花時間來實現想做的事情,將世界從零變為一。成功的商人和發明家之所以與眾不同,是因為他們建立及設計,為社會產生深遠的影響和成果。


  1. 保持積極的心態,保持身心強健,樂於與他人合作;
  2. 認識一群志同道合的人,做慈善事業,勇敢地挑戰現狀;
  3. 實現你的夢想!無論任務多麼困難,你的任務都將成為可能!

Coping with change & managing Stress – The positive mindset
From impossible to possible

Change is constant, while we are living through with Covid19, we should be reminded to stay healthy and strong to lead and deal with sophisticated or complex situations. To help you prepare your change mindset….we can do a simple exercise by grabbing a paper and pen, write your change challenge in 10 words or less, write your top 3 barriers to achieving this change and providing solutions to your change challenge. You may share this with your family, colleague and friends.

At a time of change and uncertainty across the corporation or country, people have been affected by change at work are more likely to report work stress. However, we can help reduce our stress by changing our distorted perceptions. Our distorted thinking can exaggerate our perceived shortcomings. Hence, we have to help ourselves stay positive and embrace change – change for the better!

People are extraordinary. Let’s do not forget with perseverance, creativity and courage, we can make the impossible possible. Together, we can improve our life and put things in control. Being extraordinary means we are making out time to achieve what changes the world from zero to one. Successful business people and inventors are seen as extraordinary because they have built, designed and achieved results which have a positive impact to the community.

To be extraordinary, here are some tips to share, think of a problem you can solve:

Keep a positive mindset, stay healthy and strong physical and mentally, work with a team of like minds, do charity works, be bold and brave, challenge the status quo, and follow your dream!

You mission will become possible no matter how difficult it is!


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