【人力趨勢】2020年勞動力管理「新常態」 給HR的5點建議

【人力趨勢】2020年勞動力管理「新常態」 給HR的5點建議

Polly Yip 葉麗貞

Master Ascent Limited.創辦人及董事長,擁有20多年人力資源管理及管理諮詢豐富經驗,現為香港人力資源管理學會專業會員,曾在國際性企業任職高管 - 滙豐銀行、渣打銀行(渤海銀行籌建)、德勤、畢馬威和先鋒工作。

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隨著新冠肺炎疫情蔓延,全球數百萬計的員工需要在家工作,管理層和人力資源部門如何應對這種新的工作模式?Master Ascent Ltd. 創辦人及董事長葉麗貞(Polly)認為,疫情首在亞洲地區爆發,就危機管理和替代性工作場所政策而言,亞洲地區迅速採取更全面的預防措施。疫情每天都有新變化,HR就需要因應情況,迅速做出反應。當我們竭盡全力應對這種不斷變化的局勢時,關心工作環境的同時,就會急切關注到個人、家人的社區健康。
就職場健康方面,企業傾向實行在家工作等彈性安排。實際上,管理層及人力資源從業員對「遙距工作」並不陌生,在創新管理風潮中,不少初創企業或新興行業均實行彈性工作安排,在新世代工作投入度調查中,彈性工作被視為企業關鍵行動項目,因為絕大部分的Gen Y和Gen Z都期望每星期在家工作一天。部分人認為在這些困難時期,「遙距工作」是一項重大調整。


1. 管理模式︰在進入在家工作等新人才管理模式時,管理層應與員工一起做好持續學習的準備,以迎接下來的數碼化浪潮。

2. 領導風格︰通過充分利用可用各種數據,與員工進行直接溝通,並提供清晰的指導。記住在變革的時機,這是在數碼化轉型時代提升技能的好機會。

3. 持續與員工對話︰與你的員工進行更多的交流及溝通工作,並說明現時只是保持社交接觸距離,但並不代表不需要溝通。同時,管理層都應向員工表示關懷,重新考慮如何發揮個人實力。

4. 更新人力資源政策︰人力資源部發揮著前線作用,根據疫情發展,他們更需要在年假、員工薪酬、工作時間、新入職員工及招聘工作流程等安排,進行修訂和更新人力資源政策,以確保員工及工作環境安全、員工投入度及在家工作時的績效管理、個人職業發展和學習等。

5. 釋放員工潛能︰

The Impact of Covid-19 2020

With Coronavirus forcing millions of global workforce to work from home, how do Leaders and HR cope with the new way of working ?
My view is that we shall not go back to the same way we used to operate in the office for at least 6 to 18 months as the virus dictate the timeline for us to stop practicing social distancing.
As a matter of fact, “remote work” arrangement is not new to HR or Management – this is a flexible work arrangement. This is seen as a key action item from your employee engagement survey results where your employees (Gen Y & Z) would prefer to have some times (4+1 work week), 1 day to work from home as an option.
Personally, I have not been working remotely with team members except under the BCP requirement. I keep hearing from employees that we all keen to work from home when they need to return to the office where you spend more than 8 hours a day with your teammates and your supervisors!
Some said it is a huge adjustment to work remotely, especially in these difficult times. I believe it could be due to home office environment is not the same as office environment where internet access, printing and fax are available, video / tele-meeting set up are ready to use and communication opportunity is ample in an “open” office environment which is a benefit after workplace management a decade ago!
lWith COVID-19 continuing to spread globally, most Asian markets are at least six weeks ahead in terms of crisis management and alternative workplace policies.
Every day brings a new situation requiring a swift response.
The global mission right now is to slow the spread of COVID-19 and to save lives by practicing social distancing.
This requires cooperation, patience and tolerance from everyone. Lives have been turned upside down and we’re in living conditions that are new territory for so many.
If we follow guidelines and look out for each other, we’ll get through this faster and come out stronger in the end.
This is new ground for all of us and the health of the community is on my mind and in our heart, as we do our best to navigate this ever-changing situation.
Individuals, families, and communities need to strike a balance between vigilance and the need to go on living our lives. This is hard to do but essential.
Our employees have different perspectives, and when we can be supportive, whether that is a reassuring word or thoughtful action, we should take the opportunity.
In terms of changing behavior, imagine you are infected and you have to wear mask to avoid infecting others and get all preventive measures done. People in China and HKG have done a good job re changing our behavior, continuous adhering to the government guideline is important.
For HR professionals, we normally named ourselves as change agent, you could see ourselves working in the frontline and we are not just supporting the business; practice forward thinking and be proactive to think like a CEO to assist the leadership team to enable business sustainability.

My Advice – Stay Positive, Productive and Satisfying of what we are now & Envision a Brighter Future!

From HR perspective – Let me shares some tips for adjusting to this new normal, the importance of staying

Open and communicative – physically, mentally and emotionally.

Management – embracing this entirely new normal immediately and get ready to this life-long learning journey together with your staff. Be prepared for the next waves.

Leadership style – direct communication with your employees with clear instruction by capitalising various means of available digital equipment. Time for change and it is a good opportunity to upskills in the age of digital transformation. Do it now!

Ongoing Dialogue – have more communication with your employees – share that we are not isolated but just have to keep social distancing and that we’re not feeling alone, that we’re not isolating ourselves mentally, emotionally. It is also a time for leaders to show your empathy to staff during this special period. And also to rethink personal strength and how to play with it.

Update HR Policy – as a caring organization, HR is playing a frontline role to revise and update the HR policy in view of Convid19, how people should take their annual leave, workers compensation, hours of work, induction of newly joined staff, recruitment workflow, employee/workplace safety, staff engagement, performance management while working from home, personal career development and learning etc.

Unleash Potentials – while working from home, employees could unleash their potential to the fullest by thinking outside the box the best option to work effectively/efficiently with teammates without an office setting!


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