【辭職學問│轉工跳槽】辭職轉工應該點寫farewell email?內附3個farewell email範例

【辭職學問│轉工跳槽】辭職轉工應該點寫farewell email?內附3個farewell email範例

離開現職公司並不是容易的決定,但是不論你與同事之間的感情好與壞,向他們送出一封離職道別信(Farewell email)一定不會是壞事。離職道別信除了可以令同事對你留下良好印象外,也可以為建立未來職場人際網絡鋪路。

延伸閱讀:【面試攻略】見工被問上一份工離職原因 6大模範答案得HR歡心








發送時間一般會是你工作最後一天的前一至兩天前的早上發送,讓同事有時間回覆並與你告別。不過記得,發送前要與僱主確認,他是否已就你即將離職一事通知相關同事,如果僱主未正式公布,最好不要發送farewell email。



1. 標題

2. 問候語

3. 告別信息

4. 表達感激

5. 聯絡方式

6. 結束語


Subject: Farewell and Thank You(標題)

Dear Team,

I hope this message finds you well(問候語). As some of you may already know, today is my last day at [Company Name]. After [X] years of working with such an incredible team, it is time for me to say goodbye and embark on a new journey.(告別信息)

I want to express my deepest gratitude for the support, guidance, and friendship that you all have provided during my time here. Working with each of you has been a fantastic experience, and I have learned so much from our collaboration.(表達感激)

Although I am moving on, I hope we can stay in touch. You can reach me at [personal email] or connect with me on LinkedIn at [LinkedIn profile URL].(聯絡方式)

Thank you once again for everything. I wish you all continued success and happiness in the future.(結束語)

Best regards,

[Your Name]





Subject: Farewell and Best Wishes

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I will be leaving [Company/Organization Name] effective [Last Working Day]. It has been a pleasure working with you and being part of such a fantastic team.

I am grateful for the opportunities and experiences I have gained during my time here. I have enjoyed collaborating on projects and appreciate the support and guidance I have received.

Please stay in touch. You can reach me at [Personal Email Address] or connect with me on [LinkedIn/Other Social Media].

Wishing you all the best for your future endeavors.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]


Subject: Moving On to New Adventures

Hi [Recipient's Name],

I wanted to let you know that I’ll be leaving [Company/Organization Name] as of [Last Working Day]. It’s been a great experience, and I’ve enjoyed working with you.

Thank you for the good times and the support. Let’s keep in touch—my email is [Personal Email Address], and I’m also on [LinkedIn/Other Social Media].

Take care and all the best!


[Your Name]


Subject: Goodbye and Thank You

Dear Team,

As some of you may already know, I will be leaving [Company/Organization Name] on [Last Working Day]. I wanted to take a moment to say goodbye and thank you all for the wonderful experiences and memories.

Working with such a talented and supportive group has been a highlight of my career. I will miss our collaborative spirit and the camaraderie we’ve shared.

Please feel free to reach out to me at [Personal Email Address] or connect with me on [LinkedIn/Other Social Media]. I hope our paths cross again in the future.

Wishing you continued success and happiness.


[Your Name]




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