【求職貼士】收到理想offer想回答得體?一分鐘教你點覆錄取通知 附範本

【求職貼士】收到理想offer想回答得體?一分鐘教你點覆錄取通知 附範本

面試後,僱主如果最終決定聘請求職者,通常會先致電通知,商討好條件後,再補發一封錄取通知電郵(Offer letter)作正式通知。收到理想職位的聘請通知時,我們有可能因為太興奮而忘記回覆,或草率回覆。雖然這樣做不會影響僱主提供聘用條件,但或多或少都會影響你的個人形象。


Job Offer Acceptance Email格式







Job Offer Acceptance Email範本


**Subject:** Excited to Join [Company Name] - [Your Name]

Dear XXX,

Thank you for offering me the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I am thrilled to accept the offer, and eager to contribute to [specific project or team].

I confirm that my start date will be [Start Date], as discussed. I have gone through the offer details and agree to the terms and conditions. Please let me know if there are any pre-employment forms or other information you require from me before my start date.

Thank you for this incredible opportunity. I am looking forward to being a part of the [Company Name] team and contributing to its continued success.

Warm regards, 

[Your Name] 


**Subject:** Job Offer Acceptance - [Your Name]

Dear XXX,

Thank you so much for offering me the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], and I am pleased to accept the offer. I look forward to starting on [Start Date] and contributing to the team.

Thank you for this opportunity.


[Your Name]


**Subject:** Request for Additional Information Regarding Job Offer - [Your Name]

Dear XXX,

Thank you very much for offering me the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to join your team and contribute to [specific project or aspect of the company].

Before I formally accept the offer, I would appreciate some additional information to ensure I have a complete understanding of the role and its associated benefits. Could you please provide clarification on the following points:

1. 福利:Could you provide more details about the benefits package?

2. 工資:Could you clarify the salary structure, including any bonuses, commissions, or other incentives that may be part of the compensation?

3. 工時:What are the standard working hours and expectations regarding overtime or flexible working arrangements?

4. 任職詳情: What does the onboarding process entail, and are there any specific preparations I should make before my start date?

5. 直屬上司: Can you clarify the reporting structure and any key team members I will be working with closely?

Thank you for your understanding and assistance. Once I have this information, I will be able to make an informed decision and respond promptly.

I appreciate your time and consideration and look forward to your response.

Best regards, 

[Your Name] 


辭職信CV履歷表求職信Reference Letter推薦信面試


睇埋如果要reject offer,應該點做:



延伸閱讀:【跟進電郵|範例】見工後怕被HR忘記!Follow-up email寫咩好?內附4種例子!



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