CTHR Recruitment and Salary Trends Survey Q4 2015


CTHR Recruitment and Salary Trends Survey Q4 2015
About 40% of employers intend to recruit more staff this quarter, with the banking and finance sector showing the strongest hiring sentiment, followed by the building and construction industry, according to the CTHR Recruitment and Salary Trends Survey – Q4 2015.
《CTHR 2015年第四季招聘及薪酬趨勢調查》發現,40%受訪僱主於第四季打算增聘人手,平均增聘13%;其中以銀行金融業的招聘意欲最強,其次為建造業。
The majority of employers polled envisage pay rises of 4 to 6% for their staff in 2016, while 30% expect salary increases of 1 to 3%.
絕大多數本港僱員2015年均獲得加薪,平均加幅為5% 。近半數僱主預期明年加薪4至6%,6成企業擬派發1個月年終獎金或花紅。
Recruitment sentiment is currently high in industry sectors such as banking and finance, and building and construction, but others, such as manufacturing and trading, are lagging far behind.
2015年第四季度招聘氣氛正面,各行業中,尤以「銀行及金融」、 「建造及建築」、「資訊科技」、 「教育」和「酒店及飲食」 業最活躍;平均增聘13%人手,為相關專才提供發展契機。


Most employers find it difficult to find the right people for some positions, while many employees feel their jobs are not a good match with their education in terms of study field and they do not have enough advancement opportunities.


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