畢業生首選行業:金融、傳媒擊敗政府工 月薪期望僱傭相差千元

畢業生首選行業:金融、傳媒擊敗政府工 月薪期望僱傭相差千元



畢業生期望月薪$1.3萬 較僱主預算多千元



6成料服務1至3年 逾半對前景感樂觀
工作年期方面,大部分(61% )畢業生預計自己會在首個工作崗位服務1至3年,時間與僱主期望相符。

對於未來個人事業發展,55%受訪畢業生持樂觀 / 非常樂觀的態度,其中對個人能力有信心者佔31%,看好市場強大需求及行業發展前景者各有兩成以上,分別佔25%及22%。





Fresh graduates in demand, survey shows
The majority of Hong Kong employers plan to hire fresh graduates over the next three months – but the young jobseekers' salary expectations are slightly higher than companies' going rates, the results of the new CTHR Recruitment and Salary Trends Survey – 2016 show.

Nearly two-thirds of the employers surveyed (64%) said they intended to hire fresh graduates over the next three months, at a median rate of three new graduate recruits per company, according to the poll of 205 employers across at least 16 industries, 269 fresh graduates and 58 undergraduates. Employers who planned to recruit fresh graduates cited "willingness to follow instructions" as their main reason, followed by "lower salary expectations" and "able to handle more challenges".

Of the graduates who took part in the survey, 77% said they would start a full-time job search in the next three months, with their preferred industries being banking and finance (25%), the media and communications (16%) and government sector (14%).

Employers pegged median starting salaries for graduates with bachelor's degrees at $12,350, while the graduates themselves expected HK$13,000.

Slightly more graduates (46%) were optimistic about their future careers than those who were pessimistic (38%), and the vast majority of both employers and fresh graduates expected graduates to stay in their first jobs no longer than one to three years.

Just over half of the 132 respondents who planned to hire graduates in the next quarter said they planned to recruit a mix of candidates with bachelor's degrees and higher and those without degrees.

The employers scored fresh graduates on a range of personal and professional attributes, with the highest ratings being "willingness to learn" (6.3 out of 10), "willingness to face challenges" (6.1) and "work attitude" (6.1).

Other key findings were:
-The bulk of the employers did not have a preference for a particular university when recruiting
-Employers and fresh graduates largely saw eye to eye regarding top considerations when looking for a job
-The surveyed recruiters did not rate graduate candidates' interview skills or professional qualities exceptionally highly

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26 July 2016

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