Corruption Prevention Advisory Service for the Private Sector

Corruption Prevention Advisory Service for the Private Sector
The Corruption Prevention Advisory Service (CPAS) is a specialised unit in the Corruption Prevention Department of the Independent Commission Against Corruption which provides free, confidential and tailor-made corruption prevention advice and services to private companies, organisations and individuals on request. The CPAS assists its clients to prevent corruption and related malpractice through improving systems and governance and strengthen preventive controls.

Since its establishment in 1985, the CPAS (formerly named as Advisory Services Group) has offered advisory services to thousands of clients on integrity management and corruption prevention measures, covering a wide spectrum of industries (e.g. financial services, property management, trading, hotel and catering) and functional processes (e.g. procurement, staff administration, inventory control, sales procedures).

For enquiries and requests for corruption prevention advice and services, please contact the CPAS at (tel) 2526 6363, (fax) 2522 9595 or (email)

The CPAS also maintains a user-friendly web portal for sharing of corruption prevention knowledge and resources. As a cyber-resource centre, it offers you easy access to timely and useful resources on corruption prevention, such as corruption prevention guides and tools (with a built-in search function), case studies, quick tips as well as red flags. For details, please visit

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