9:30 AM - 5:30 PM
(會員 HK$2,200; 非會員 HK$3,000

This one-day workshop is a comprehensive guide to hiring and interview
skills, tailored for HR practitioners, talent acquisition specialists and their
business partners' line managers who are responsible for hiring in the everchanging business landscape.
Unlock the Secrets to Success:
Develop key interviewing skills and
strategies to conduct CBI
Establish a systematic means of enrolling
and analysing behavioural data to support
a competency based evaluation of
Use the approach to build good working
1. Defining the job and person specification
2. Identifying competencies
3. Analysing written CVs and video resumes
4. Candidate assessment
5. Interview structure: SOAR model
6. Interview approach: Data collection
7. Competency based interviews
8. Skilful questioning and listening techniques
9. The quality and success of the interview process
10. Closely matching a candidate’s qualifications with job dimensions
11. Evaluating the evidence
12. Other assessment methods
13. Survey results on the concerns from interns, fresh graduates, and change career applicants
14. Tips for online interviews
9:30 AM - 5:30 PM
(會員 HK$2,200; 非會員 HK$3,000