7:20 PM - 10:20 PM
(Tuition fee for Members: HK$3,700
簡介 適合參加人士現職督導管理人員及剛晉升管理人士在香港的中層和前線督導管理人員中,很多人發覺自己現有的才能與僱主的需求有所差距,無法達致理想的表現。因此在機構內,督導人員要擁有多項技能(Multi-Skills)及管理能力才可融入管理階層。在日常運作上,督導往往會遇上很多技術以外的問題;例如目標訂立、人際溝通及管理控制等等。假如處理不當,不但使督導功能大打折扣,更會導致個人及組織的發展受到阻礙。本課程目的是旨在提供督導人員基本的管理知識,藉著深入的講解及討論,使來自不同行業的督導人員提高個人管理能力,從而建立一個有效及士氣高昂的團隊。
Module 1 Role of a Supervisor
- Key roles and challenges
- Attitudes and essential skills
- Setting goals, standards and targets
- Communicating upward and downward
Module 2 Leadership and Delegation
- Leadership vs management
- 5 leadership styles
- 4 decision making styles
- The 2 "R" manager
- Leading with DISC
- • Leading with delegation
Module 3 Performance Monitoring by Using Effective Coaching Techniques
- What motivates subordinates to work
- Working with new generation workers
- Just-in-time feedback
- Positive feedback and corrective feedback conversational skills
- Evaluating your feedback – PNR technique
- Coaching for success – GROW model in practice
- Coaching with DISC
Module 4 Managing Change
- Understanding impacts brought by changes
- Importance of Change Management
- Sharing on business use of change management model
- Effective change management techniques
- Overcoming resistance and barriers
Module 5 Inuencing Others
- The inuence process
- Preparation, interaction and follow-up
- Preparation strategy
- Stakeholder analysis
- Considering stakeholders’ and company’s needs
- Effective interaction skills
- Influencing with DISC
- Influencing upwards and strategic networking
Module 6 Group Project and Best Practice Sharing
Participants will be required to do a group project to demonstrate how they can apply what they have learnt in
Modules 1-5 in their daily work. They will need to make a group presentation on their project and share their
supervisory experience and/or issues with other participants. Details of the group project will be announced during Module 1.
7:20 PM - 10:20 PM
(Tuition fee for Members: HK$3,700