Advanced Certificate Course on Employment Ordinance

Advanced Certificate Course on Employment Ordinance
DATE & TIME (Expired)
3 Oct 2019 (Thu) - 5 Dec 2019 (Thu)
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
HKD 3,900
九龍尖沙咀東 麼地道 75 號 南洋中心第 2 座 3 樓
Advanced Certificate Course on Employment Ordinance

1. 香港終止僱傭合約的法定方式及普通法規定 ( I )
Statutory and Common Law means of Termination of Employment Contract in HK ( I )
- 怎樣才算協商一致解除僱傭合約
Mutual Agreement
- 怎樣處理僱傭合約到期而不續約
Expiration of a fixed-term contract
- 僱傭合約受挫失效
Frustration of Employment Contract
- 僱傭合約一方死亡
Death of a party to the Contract of Employment
- 法庭案例研討
Court Cases
2. 香港終止僱傭合約的法定方式及普通法規定 ( II )
Statutory and Common Law means of Termination of Employment Contract in HK ( II )
- 公司(法人)解散
Dissolution of the enterprise
- 生意轉讓對僱傭合約的影響
Change of ownership of a business
- 以通知期方式解除僱傭合約
Upon notice by either party
- 不給予通知期解除僱傭合約
Without notice by either party
- 法庭案例研討
Court Cases
3. 終止僱傭合約前針對違紀的有關措施
Disciplinary measures fall short of termination
- 僱主處分違紀僱員的法例範圍
The scope of Disciplinary Measures under law
- 違紀與處分程度必須相稱
Level of sanction should be proportionate to offence
- 停職處分的法律規定
The use of Suspension of Employment
- 法庭案例研討
Court Cases
4. 違紀處理守則
Disciplinary Procedures
- 有沒有法定違紀處理方式?
Any Statutory Requirements to follow Disciplinary Procedures?
- 終止僱傭合約的約定方式可以淩駕違紀守則的處理方法嗎?
Could Contractual Right to terminate on notice by-pass Contractual Disciplinary procedure to terminate?
- 違紀聆訊的方式及僱員在聆訊上的權利及義務
Disciplinary Proceedings and the Rights of employee
- 法庭案例研討
Court Cases
5. 不當或不合法解僱
Wrongful Dismissal
- 普通法的違約解僱定義及賠償
Wrongful Dismissal and Damages at Common Law
- 僱傭條例的不合法解僱定義及賠償
Wrongful Termination under the Employment Ordinance and the Statutory Compensation
- 法庭案例研討
Court Cases

For more details and registration, please click here.
DATE & TIME (Expired)
3 Oct 2019 (Thu) - 5 Dec 2019 (Thu)
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
HKD 3,900
九龍尖沙咀東 麼地道 75 號 南洋中心第 2 座 3 樓
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