7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
(Including an application fee of HK$250
Fee per module HK$3,480 Total Fees HK$24,610 (HK$3,480 X 7 modules + HK$250 application fee), payable in three instalments.)

Administrative management plays an important role in the daily operation of an organization. As the economy of Hong
Kong is undergoing a structural change and is facing strong competition from other countries, local organizations must build
up more strengths to deal with these challenges. One of the key factors for an organization to be competitive is to have a
good workforce, so business managers must be able to play their roles effectively. To provide systematic training to middle
and front-line executives, the Association offers a one-year, part-time diploma programme entitled “Professional Diploma in
Business Administrative Management”
As the economy of Hong Kong is undergoing a structural change and is facing strong competition from other countries, local organizations must build up more strengths to deal with these challenges. Therefore, the Association specially designed this programme to provide managers and officers those essential knowledge and skills which will enable them to support a productive workforce and provide good service to both external and internal customers.
Business Administrative Management
Customer Service Management
Information Technology
English for Business Communication
Law of Business and Carriage
Logistics Management
Management Report
Applicants must:
be secondary school graduates (F.5); AND
possess 2 or more years’ working experience; AND
have a reasonable command of written and spoken English
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
(Including an application fee of HK$250
Fee per module HK$3,480 Total Fees HK$24,610 (HK$3,480 X 7 modules + HK$250 application fee), payable in three instalments.)