2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Excel 高級商務課程,需要學員有一定的Excel相關經驗。我們的導師由樞紐分析表(Pivot Table)開始解釋如何使用Excel製作大量的報告 ,以及如何在日常工作中快速處理大量的數據,並且完成檢查的工作確保資料的準確性 (完成公司中的Do-check-review工作流程)。所有學員完成課程後將能夠熟練地操作Excel 製作出樞紐分析表, 樞紐分析表圖表 (Pivot Table, Pivot Charts), 更加深入地運用邏輯函數,同時使用多個 If 函數,完成大量檢查數據的工作。例如: If + Iserror + Vlookup 組合。
本課程融合了多年的實戰經驗,令各位學員能夠充分利用及了解MS Office各版本的特點。由1997年的紮實基礎到 Office 365 版本的最新技術,都能夠靈活運用。
歡迎到本電腦中心的網上報名系統報讀以上課程,網站連結: https://www.ExcelProEdu.com.hk
如有任何課程查詢或預約報名歡迎致電 3702-0208 或電郵 info@excelproedu.com.hk 與我們聯絡!
Introduction to Pivot Table
- What is Pivot Table
- Insert a Pivot Table
- Prepare Data for pivot table
- Setting Filter, Columns, Rows and Values
- Using Value field settings to summarize values
- How to use 2016 Recommended Pivot Table
- Adding blank line between fields
- Look for a data solution
Common Skills and Tricks
- Link Tables
- Link Tables for same files, cross files, new documents and websites
- Link Table file path caution
- Advance logical test and functions
- Applying IF AND OR function for business senarios
- Applying Mixture of IF AND OR functions
- Understanding the Logical functions
- Strategic approach to Multiple complex IF functions
- Application of complex mixtures
- ISERROR function
- International Excel data checking approach
- Data validation with data in sequence
- Cross data validation approach with VLOOKUP
- Cross data validation approach with IF ISERROR VLOOKUP
- Import data from a website
- Import financial, retail and other data from databases
- Import financial, retail and other data from ACCESS
- Advance data checking
Data clearing and management
- Applying Trace Precedents
- Applying Trace Dependents
- Applying Trace to investigate data calculations
- How to Remove Trace Arrows
- Using Show All formula
- Using Evaluation to debug complex Excel Formulas
- Data checking approach with Evaluation
- Using Group to manage large data
- Applying Ungroup to grouped data
- Applying Filter with advance scenarios
- Using Remove Duplicate to delete repeated data
- Applying Text to Column to handle exported data
- Handling system data from CSV, TEXT and Excel files
- Rearrange data by using Sort by Alphabets, Values and Icons
Certificate in Excel Advance
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM