Certificate in Big Data Analysis in Excel

Excel Pro Education
Certificate in Big Data Analysis in Excel
25 Aug 2024 (Sun)
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
HKD 1,180
Excel Pro Education
香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道423-425號 嘉年華商業大廈
Certificate in Big Data Analysis in Excel

在每日的商業世界中,我們需要處理大量的數據以及各式各樣的資料分析。因此MS Office扮演重要的角色,協助我們加速完成每天的工作。

多年以來各大企業的員工,一直不斷地努力學習及提升自己的MS Office應用能力,節省自身工作時間亦能夠提升工作效率。

本課程融合了多年的實戰經驗,令各位學員能夠充分利用及了解MS Office各版本的特點。由1997年的紮實基礎到2016年版本的最新技術,都能夠靈活運用。

歡迎到本電腦中心的網上報名系統報讀以上課程,網站連結: https://www.ExcelProEdu.com.hk

如有任何課程查詢或預約報名歡迎致電 3702-0208 或電郵 info@excelproedu.com.hk 與我們聯絡!


Introduction to Data Management, Cloud Data and  Databases

  • What is data Management, cloud data and databases
  • Where do we store the data?
  • What are the businesses and large corporates approach to big data
  • Why do we need a Server? What is the a local server, cloud server and web server
  • Why not saving our data in Local drive?
  • How to implement a Cloud server to home and business application?
  • Three common Data Types for statistical analysis in business environment
  • SAS
  • Oracle
  • Access
  • SAP
  • Introduction to the relationship between Databases and Excel

Statistical Functions and business analysis

  • Average Function – Handling arithmetic mean
  • Calculation of geometric mean for financial data
  • STDEV.S Function
  • Calculation of standard deviation without using the function
  • NORM.S.DIST Function
  • Understand the pdf of normal distribution function
  • NORM.DIST Function
  • Understand the pdf of normal distribution function
  • Understand the cdf of normal distribution function
  • NORM.INV Function
  • Marketing analysis with Norm.INV application
  • BINOM.DISTFunction
  • Business application to control risk for retail stores.

Financial Functions

  • PV Function – Calculate the Present value for standard cash flow
  • FV Function – Calculate the Future value for standard cash flow
  • NPV Function – Calculate the Net Present value for irregular cash flow

Add-in Function

  • How to turn on Add-in Functions?
  • What is Excel Add-in functions
  • Statistical Analysis tools for analyst
  • Applying the statistical tools for big data
  • Using the Solver Function
  • Business Maximum Profit analysis by using solver function
  • Using solver function general for other purposes
  • Requesting a Solver report

Mail Merge Function

  • What is Mail Merge
  • Understanding the Mail Merge model
  • Understanding Email systems
  • Common cautions when using Mail Merge
  • How to create a Mail Merge document in WORD
  • How to send all Mails using OUTLOOK

VBA/Macro Application

  • What is VBA/Macro and VBE
  • Installing the developer tab to Excel Ribbon
  • Understanding the Macro approach to daily work flow
  • Introduction to Macro application
  • The 3 steps approach to record a Macro
  • How to record a Macro?
  • How to run a recorded Macro?
  • How to Stop a Macro?
  • How to delete a Macro?
  • Adding a button for a Macro
  • Assigning a different Macro to a button
  • Change the name and size of the button
  • More business application for Macro
  • Introduction to VBA programming


如有任何課程查詢或預約報名歡迎致電 3702-0208 或電郵到 info@excelproedu.com.hk 與我們聯絡!

Certificate in Big Data Analysis in Excel

For more details and registration, please click here.
25 Aug 2024 (Sun)
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
HKD 1,180
Excel Pro Education
香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道423-425號 嘉年華商業大廈
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