9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
(FEE: HKMA Member: HK$2,780
Non-member: HK$2,980
Early Bird discount: HK$200 less (For those who enrol and pay one month before the workshop commencement date)
Group Discount: HK$200 less each (For those companies which send a total of two or more participants to this workshop and enrol at the same time))

It can be difficult to navigate the employee leave process, but with the correct tactics in place, things can go more smoothly and effectively. Whether an employee leaves the firm voluntarily or involuntarily, this training covers best practices for managing their departures to guarantee a smooth and professional experience while safeguarding the business’s interests and reputation.
Upon completion of the workshop, participants should be able to:
Create a strategy framework for employee exits that strikes a balance between the needs of the company, the law, and the welfare of the employees.
When it comes to involuntary exits, make sure the procedure is just and open to the public to reduce the possibility of discrimination and unfavorable opinions.
Assure sympathetic and efficient communication, exhibiting understanding and assistance for impacted staff members.
Make the most of the offboarding procedure to improve the working environment and capitalize on favorable connections.
1. Overview of Employee Exits
> Importance of effective exit strategies
> Voluntary vs. involuntary employee exits
2. Strategy Framework for Employee Exits
> Understanding the rationale behind exits
> Key components of a strategic exit framework
3. Managing Voluntary Employee Exits
> Designing a positive offboarding process that strengthens employee experience
> Best practices for gathering constructive feedback
> Balancing organizational and employee needs
4. Handling Involuntary Employee Exits
> Balancing business context, legal requirements and employee well-being
> Ensuring fair and open procedures
> Empathetic and efficient communication
5. Optimizing the Offboarding Process
> Leveraging offboarding to continuously improve the work environment
> Strategies for maintaining positive relationship with departing employees
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
(FEE: HKMA Member: HK$2,780
Non-member: HK$2,980
Early Bird discount: HK$200 less (For those who enrol and pay one month before the workshop commencement date)
Group Discount: HK$200 less each (For those companies which send a total of two or more participants to this workshop and enrol at the same time))