Eliza Ng is currently Director, Human Resources of Fuji Xerox (Hong Kong) Limited. She holds a Master Degree in HR Development and Training with over 25 years' all round HR experience as Senior HR Executive in Fortune 500 US Listed Company, Investment Banking and Hong Kong listed IT company. In addition, she serves as a member of Hong Kong Management Association’s Human Resources Development Management Committee since 2011; a Board of Examiner of Hong Kong Management Association’s Award for Excellence in Training and Development since 2012; Executive Committee of the Chamber’s Women Executives Club of The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce in 2014 and is being a part-time lecturer in HR Management for over 10 years in Hong Kong Baptist University and other Education Institutes.
伍雪芬,現任職富士施樂(香港)有限公司人力資源部總監。擁有人力資源發展及培訓文學碩士學歷, 及25年全方位且專業的人力資源管理高級行政人員經驗。曾任職於美國“財富”500強的上市公司、投資銀行與及香港上市資訊科技公司。
由 2011年及2012年至今分別出任人力資源發展管理委員會之委員 及獲委任為香港管理專業協會最佳管理培訓及發展獎評審之一 ; 並於2014年擔任香港總商會 — 卓妍社委員會之委員。此外更曾於香港浸會大學及其他教育機構的人力資源管理兼任講師超過10年。