Ms Leona Tse 謝芳芳小姐
Training Manager of Swire Resources Limited

Leona Tse serves as the Training Manager for Swire Resources Limited (SRL). She leads SRL's training team in providing training supports and services to employees and is responsible for Swire Resources' overall training strategy. She is also responsible for developing staff development programs to align company objectives and business needs.

With her strong dedication to people development, Leona specializes in Training and Development over 10 years and has solid experience in building the whole spectrum of training and development functions. Her passion, proactive and can-do attitude is one of the main driving forces behind Swire Resources Limited's employee skill set development.

謝芳芳小姐為現任太古資源有限公司人力資源培訓經理 。憑著對人才培育的熱誠,謝小姐擁有超過十年的經驗,為公司人才發展注入以人為本及持續學習的文化,並與各部門建立相關職能和提升效率。她負責公司整體人才培育策略,帶領屬下員工提供人力資源方面的支援和服務,為公司制定多元化的培訓課程、發展計劃、及領袖培育,以配合公司的整體發展目標及需要。

Listed in speaking order
Mr Perry Mak 麥華章先生 Mr Arthur Shek 石鏡泉先生 Professor Randy Chiu, MH 趙其琨教授 Mr Tommy Chan 陳家強先生 Ms Ka Shi Lau, BBS 劉嘉時女士 Ms Leona Tse 謝芳芳小姐 Ms Eliza Ng 伍雪芬小姐 Ms Jenny Chiu 趙慧嫻小姐 Dr Felix Yip 葉偉光博士 Mr C.K. Lee 李志強先生