Mr MAK Ping Leung (alias Mr MAK Wah Cheung) joined HKET as a founder. He is responsible for business operation, including formulating the business strategies and overall management of publishing, recruitment advertising and printing production. He has also been driving for other publishing businesses with success. Mr Mak is a veteran in the media industry and was elected as one of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Hong Kong in 1988. Also, he won the Outstanding Entrepreneurship Award of Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards 2012, Hong Kong organized by Enterprise Asia in 2012.
麥炳良先生(又名麥華章)為《香港經濟日報》創辦人之一,主責業務營運,包括制定業務策略以及出版、招聘廣告及印刷生產的整體管理;他近期竭力發展集團其他出版業務,獲得理想成績。麥先生在媒體行業資歷豐富,於 1988 年獲選為「香港十大傑出青年」。此外,麥先生於2012年獲由亞洲企業商會主辦「香港亞太企業精神奬2012」頒奬典禮的「卓越企業家奬」,傑出成就備受肯定。